• Life Force Energy
  • Life Force Energy


Defining A True Vampire

Written by Damien Daville

A vampire is an energy feeder with varying levels of psychic and empathic abilities which allow for manipulation of and the taking and giving of the life force energy. A vampire comes into being showing varying signs of energy deficiencies with usually a slow awareness of psychic ability. There is a significant interest in energy feeding such as at musical shows, with a lover, and/or an interest in the energy of blood, although the latter is far less common. This self awareness usually begins in adolescence and generally increases over time gradually to adulthood, but there are some signs in some at younger ages. A vampire begins to see the energy fields and auras of people and easily learns to manipulate emotional and other psychic energies for personal gain. Through a more heightened sensual ability they feel the emotions and energy of other people and can thus tap this resource for personal gain in energy needs. Being more sensitive to all types of energy allows the vampire to easily sense emotions and thoughts of those near. Those who are empathic carry this further with ease.

History has taught us and others about the mass murder and violence that has been made against so many by the human kind. Humans have proven themselves to be the best at killing and torturing their fellow kind. No other living thing does it like the human species. So we walk in a world being blown up around us seeing this energy unlike any other. The film industry and media portray us as monsters and yet who really are the monsters of the world?

The mass murdering and the hate crimes that are all around us answer this. We have a high regard of life, although we feed off of the energy of others, we do not harm others or cause pain and suffering. Those that do cannot call themselves true vampires. As those with empathic abilities, we feel the emotions of others including pain and suffering.

We have gone through this world hated and feared, and misunderstood. We desire to change this and dispel these attitudes while being able to be ourselves and not persecuted. While we are quite different in our abilities and needs, we also believe that are souls are true and carry forth what we are. Where so many believe that one can just be "embraced" or "turned" or "made" into a vampire, we know that we have inherent needs and abilities that come from within, that is who we are, not what we chose to be. We all learn many things from our environments, but we as vampires know that what we have is within ourselves and in our souls. It is carried on through the generations.

We as vampires know that the human species has left very little untouched on this world. There are no places for us to be left alone, so we will be in that community in that city and in that state. We are becoming more organized and united for this moment is our time to become known and dispel the misconceptions about us. We have become more open in such forums as computer web sites and in our neighborhoods. This is our risk, but we will see it thru for we want others to know about the true vampire.

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